
Founded by Fernando Giannotti in Dayton, Ohio, Hauss College has been established in the traditions of Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Rabindranath Tagore. With a philosophical focus on intelligent pragmatism and experience based learning, Hauss College educates a new generation of leaders. Hauss College is a Non-Profit full degree awarding college that does not charge fees, but accepts donations of any amount

The Problem

Many intelligent, productive individuals in society have demonstrated through experience their competencies in a wide variety of subjects, but lack the formal university credentials to convey their competencies. This credentialing problem, in aggregate, creates an inefficient allocation of human capital in the economy

The Hauss College Way

Hauss College is leading education beyond the anachronistic focus on credentialing and rigidly designed courses of study. Hauss College applies the views that one is capable of learning as much or more on their own then in a classroom and that experience is the best teacher. If one has rich experiences, but without traditional credit to accompany them, Hauss College would love to hear and consider one's experiences for a possible award of a Hauss College degree.

If the applicant's experience successfully demonstrates competency, Hauss College will award the applicant a Hauss College degree of corresponding level of competency. Conversely, if an applicant wishes to design their own course of study, the applicant may do so, and after approval, will be awarded a Hauss College degree upon demonstrating successful completion of the approved course of study

Henry David Thoreau

Rabindranath Tagore